SMART Offers

Customers spend more. Zero additional work.

Turn average customers

into big-spenders.

  • Eliminate profit-killing discounts

  • Boost customer wallet-share

  • Spend less on marketing

  • Enjoy higher profits

  • Zero additional work...

Your NEW Restaurant Power Platform

Grow Your

Keep Scrolling

"The ROI is obscene!"

Monty Lockyear—

President—Smash Park Entertainment Group

"We see tickets pop as high as 38%

when SMART Offers go out.

This is the blueprint for next-level money."

What exactly are SMART Offers?

SMART Offers create never-before-seen revenue out of thin air

by learning customer spending patterns, and adapting

offers "up" to fit individual wallet-share.

SMART Offers create never-before-seen revenue out of thin air by learning customer spending patterns, and adapting offers "up" to fit individual wallet-share.


"Yes that's an extra twenty million dollars"

"Over the Past Decade of using Repeat Returns we have made an additional $20,000,000.00 - yes that's an extra twenty million dollars in deposited cash sales....

As my Management team constantly reminds me.... Repeat Returns has made us into a Restaurant Marketing Machine.

Ralph A Lewis - Okeechobee Steakhouse, FL

Discounts have been eating your lunch

Where you've been

Groupons, coupons & discounts:

  • Condition customers to spend less

  • Train them to wait for deals

  • Over-discount your big spenders

Where you're going

SMART Offers:

  • Eliminate unnecessary discounts

  • Adapt to individual guest wallet-share

  • Incentivize customers to spend more

SMART Offers are printing money

Ticket average before and after a single SMART Offer




Average Ticket


Here's what you're looking at...

Customers receiving a single SMART Offer 3/15/2020 (purple line)

went on to spend $136,179 MORE in the following 31 months

than they spent in the previous 31 months.


Client: Multi-unit pizza chain.

3/15/2020: SMART Offer generates an initial $5,095 spend bump in 7 days.

That turned out to be chump change... compared to the $136,179 in additional wallet-share those customers spent in the 31 months after getting the SMART Offer.

Think about that. Same customers... $136,179 MORE wallet-share. That's $100,000 pure profit after food cost.

11/9/2022: We resume SMART Offers. The very first one generates a $25,623 spend bump in 7 days flat.

How much money are you losing every day without SMART Offers?

FAQ image


Average Ticket


SMART Marketing Benefits

SMART Offers will EASILY be the most pivotal

marketing upgrade you ever experience

Here's why...

Ridiculously Simple

Customers enroll in your loyalty program (included).

Starting that very instant... the customer's data starts flowing to our servers - and our SMART engine starts working its magic.

Crazy Effective

Our platform establishes each customer's baseline wallet-share, and then SMART Offers gently guide them into higher spending levels.

Customers with a previous $15.78 average spend,

spent $20.87 on this promo - a $5.09 increase.

Insanely Profitable

Instead of discounts that always reduce profits, SMART Offers find each customer's spending zone, and scale offers to fit individual wallet-share.

The results are transformative.


"We switched POS to stay with Repeat Returns..."

"When they say spend less make more, they mean it. We've been saving over over $1000 a month in advertising costs, and growing sales at a pace that's sometimes been hard to keep up with.

When HungerRush told us Repeat Returns would not be in their new "upgrade" (LOL), we dumped them for a new POS. That's how important it is to us."

Andy & Katie Dell - Papa Kelsey's Pizza, AZ

Download the Guide

SMART Offers are just the beginning... Discover how the complete SMART Marketing Suite sets you up for success.

  • Converts more first-timers into steady high-profit regulars

  • Boosts profits by maximizing customer wallet-share

  • Builds your reputation by driving positive online reviews

  • Attracts large groups that spend often and spend - BIG

  • Jumpstarts growth by cutting customer churn to the bone

Grow faster

5 out of 7 first-time guests never return to your restaurant without some type of follow-up. Don't worry, our SMART Start series converts more first-timers into steady regulars.

Protect & build you reputation

Today's consumers turn to Yelp when considering a new business. SMART Survey drives a steady stream of good reviews from your best customers.

Attract Large Buying Groups

Lock in group spending, and become a community hero with SMART Fundraisers. Run unlimited fundraisers

Case Study: SMASH PARK

Smash Park is a high-volume "Eatertainment" concept based in Des Moines, IA. Since launching SMART Fundraiser as a community outreach strategy they have:

  • Partnered with 19 community organizations

  • Enrolled 7,036 group members

  • Who have made 45,389 visits/orders

  • And spent $744,960.32

  • Donated $22,348.82 back to the organizations

FAQ image

Reduce customer churn

A typical business loses 18% of its customers every year. SMART Retention brings lost customers back and starts them spending again - so you keep growing.

Most merchants see $32,000+ in recaptured revenue each year from SMART Retention. Some see a lot more.

The majority of our clients find SMART Offers to be the the highest-performing marketing they've ever experienced. Most see total program cost at or below 1%.

Spend less. Make more. Do nothing.

A typical business loses 18% of its customers every year. SMART Retention identifies lost & slowing customers early,

brings them back and starts them spending again.

Is SMART Marketing right for you?

If you're an ambitious owner, looking to automate revenue growth... and you have a viable business, then SMART Offers will blow your mind.

SMART Offers are perfect for:

  • Franchise Operations

  • Multi-Unit Chains

  • Medium/High Volume Independents

However, we are not miracle workers:

If you’re in financial desperation, floating payroll on credit cards, and circling the drain—you should pass. SMART Offers are not a silver bullet to save a troubled business.

What's included?


What you need, Working together. In one place.

Done for you.


Our platform creates a max-profit outcome for your restaurant every day.


This drives everything.

Points, visits, tiers.

Any flavor you want.


Of course. Each one a selling-machine designed to drive traffic.


Realtime feedback. High response. Stuff you need to know. Owners LOVE this!


Tell Yelp where to stick it. Enjoy positive reviews from real customers.


Forget one-and-done. Community groups drive revenue year-round.

Birthday Club

People want to spend money on their birthday. We'll send'em your way.


Customer's check points, rewards, and offers on your branded mobile web app.

Gift Cards

Gift cards are pure profit, and sales are booming.

Sell in-store/online.

Menu Marketing

Drive trial to high-profit menu items without discounts.


Drive additional traffic with texting. $45 per 2000 texts per month.


You want less work - right?

Great! Because everything here is done for you.

Money in the bank results

Yesterday Repeat Returns delivered
for every 0.65¢ invested

Clients on the platform 90 days or longer

Supercharge your sales

  • Premier
  • The top choice for aggressive marketers looking to dominate

  • $ 429 /mo
  • Loyalty

    A proven “tie-breaker” that brings customers back again and again. Fully customizable.

  • Email

    Includes loyalty, holiday, monthly, on-demand and special promotions.

  • Texting

    $45/mo per 2000 texts

  • SMART Offers

    Includes: 1 per month.

  • SMART Start

    Convert 1st-timers into steady high-profit regulars

  • SMART Delivery

    See additional customer frequency with promotions deliverd during peak ordering cycle

  • SMART Survey

    Add a steady stream of positive online reviews

  • SMART Retention

    The Gold Standard for keeping customers away from competitors. Predictive analytics targets slowing or lapsed customers based on buying cycle - not the calendar. Win-back series includes up to 5 steps. Most merchants see over $32,000 per year in recaptured revenue from this alone.

  • Fundraisers

    Community Connections is a one-of-a-kind revenue builder that replaces "one-and-done" fundraisers with an ongoing revenue stream.

  • $1,000 one-time setup

  • Pro
  • Everything you need to accelerate growth and multiply profits

  • $ 219 /mo
  • Loyalty

    A proven “tie-breaker” that brings customers back again and again. Fully customizable.

  • Email

    Includes loyalty, holiday, monthly and special promotions.

  • Texting

    $45/mo per 2,000 texts

  • X
  • Retention

    Includes 2 step (eg. 30/60-day win-back series.

  • Surveys

    Includes: After-visit survey.

    • Fully customizable
    • High open/resonse rates
    • Real time results
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • $1,000 one-time setup


Do SMART Offers work for any restaurant?

Nope. SMART Offers make GOOD restaurants more profitable. Even we can't turn a hell-hole into a money-maker.

Doesn't my POS already do this?

Not a chance. Every POS has some sort of entry-level "loyalty" program. Some better than others. But NONE - come even close to the money-generating results you'll experience with SMART Offers.

What do I need to do?

Same as any loyalty program. Enroll customers. Redeem offers. Done. No reports to pull. No spreadsheets. No emails to send. We handle everything.

Who owns my customer data?

You do - silly. We're not like those other predators that harvest your customer data and share it with your competitors. We are simply a custodian of YOUR data. It is never sold, rented or shared. It belongs to YOU.

Will this work with my POS?

SMART Offers work with almost ANY POS.

Any additional costs?

Rarely. Additional fees could be incurred if you:

  • Have texting and your plan rolls into the next tier.

  • Need additional promotions or custom graphics beyond the scope of your plan.

Can I upgrade/downgrade any time?


Are there any contracts?

Hell No. If our platform knocks your socks off - we don't need one. If it doesn't - then you don't want one. You can cancel any time for any reason.


"Repeat Returns is the ONLY marketing we have EVER used..."

"We bought a closed Rosati's Pizzeria in 2012, and grew it from nothing to a top-10 performer in just 3 years. We own 5 stores now and Repeat Returns is the only marketing we have ever used."

Rich & Nancy - Rosati's Pizza, IN

You're in SMART company

Trusted by enterprise, chains and independents nationwide

Grow faster

5 out of 7 first-time guests never return to your restaurant without some type of follow-up. Don't worry, our SMART Start series converts more first-timers into steady regulars.

Protect & build you reputation

Today's consumers turn to Yelp when considering a new business. SMART Survey drives a steady stream of good reviews from your best customers.

Attract Large Buying Groups

Lock in group spending, and become a community hero with SMART Fundraisers. Run unlimited fundraisers

Case Study: SMASH PARK

Smash Park is a high-volume "Eatertainment" concept based in Des Moines, IA. Since launching SMART Fundraiser as a community outreach strategy they have:

  • Partnered with 19 community organizations

  • Enrolled 7,036 group members

  • Who have made 45,389 visits/orders

  • And spent $744,960.32

  • Donated $22,348.82 back to the organizations

FAQ image

Reduce customer churn

A typical business loses 18% of its customers every year. SMART Retention brings lost customers back and starts them spending again - so you keep growing.

Most merchants see $32,000+ in recaptured revenue each year from SMART Retention. Some see a lot more.

The majority of our clients find SMART Offers to be the the highest-performing marketing they've ever experienced. Most see total program cost at or below 1%.

Spend less. Make more. Do nothing.

A typical business loses 18% of its customers every year. SMART Retention identifies lost & slowing customers early,

brings them back and starts them spending again.

Enough Already!

How do I get my filthy mitts on this?


6240 McLeod Dr.

Suite 100

Las Vegas, NV 89120

(702) 966-3001


Mon - Thu 8:00am - 5:00pm

Fri 8:00am - 3:30pm

*Closed major holidays. Times are Pacific time zone.